Something in the Water - Catherine Steadman

Genre - Mystery/Suspense

When a novel starts with the digging of a grave - by someone who is clearly an amateur at the job - I’m probably in for the long haul. So began Catherine Steadman’s Something in the Water. Erin and Mark are on their long awaited honeymoon in Bora Bora, scuba diving, when they literally find something in the water that has the potential to forever change their lives. Cold hard cash and diamonds (& more) - what should they do? I read the audiobook expertly narrated by Steadman and felt like Erin was talking directly to me. 

I sure did love that point of view choice. And I loved my choice to listen to this one because of it. The arc of this character seemed unbelievable on the surface, but as I listened to her explain each step of the way - with the appropriate (?) excuses as needed, I felt as if I understood her. Of course she and Mark were not criminals. How could they possibly know how to safely manage what they found under the water, but, yet, they do. Her growth - with the help  of a prisoner that she was doing a documentary film on for her “real job” - is really something to watch. I can remember thinking that the subtitle of the novel should be: how to become a criminal in “10 easy steps”. Google helps. Having an organized crime guy’s phone number also helps. Quite honestly - a mind like Erin’s is critical, and I just love the insight that Steadman’s format gave. Not to be too lighthearted, the juxtaposition of a newly pregnant woman learning how to shoot a gun is intense to be sure. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I wasn’t a bit worried about this baby’s future. Along with character development, the suspense kept me fully engaged with this novel. I pride myself in figuring things out, and Steadman keeps me on my toes. I went through several different scenarios. Steadman carefully crafted her plot. You know that someone is dead in the first several pages and even who it is. Don’t be fooled into thinking the end will be obvious!

I read this title because of a book club, and reading it was fun for me. I am becoming a bigger and bigger fan of this kind of suspenseful story. I can’t say that I can ponder much about the impact this title has had on how I am charting my own life moving forward which is FINE. I need a good entertaining reads. I also very much enjoy really clever writing. Something in the Water by Catherine Stead offers both. I was late to this party, but will certainly be looking for more books by this author.

Book cover Something in the Water by Catherine Steadman