What My Bones Know - Stephanie Foo

Genre: Memoir

Sometimes the universe leads you to the perfect book - or maybe a search of available books in the Libby app does so. Such was the case for me with What My Bones Know by Stephanie Foo. In it, Foo creates a transparent, emotional, intellectual, and ultimately hopeful look at her diagnosis of CPTSD. She is honest and frank about the life that led her to this diagnosis and about the journey that follows the diagnosis. Foo depicts the abuse from her childhood that creates the complexity of the trauma that informs the development of her CPTSD. She explores the variety of professional experiences - the failures and “successes” involving her diagnosis and treatment. She is very clear about the battles that she will likely always fight, but also leaves the reader hopeful. 

I value Foo's journalistic approach to this memoir so much. When she goes back to her hometown to explore her own memories - to check her perceptions against the perceptions of others, I was kind of mesmerized. Her ability to explore her childhood, youth, home life, education in such an organized and in depth way really touched me. I admire her ability to challenge herself as part of her efforts to be healthier. I appreciate her courage in walking away from some therapists/therapies and embracing others - to have been “raised” as she was and to have such an assertive attitude about her emotional health is not for nothing. If you are interested in exploring Foo’s writing - please consider the article here.

I do not have CPTSD, but I was once told by a counselor that as a young girl at a vulnerable time I experienced a “capital T” trauma. Abuse was not involved - but a death in my family led to a pattern of impacts that have lasted quite a long time and very much shaped who I am. Much of the content of this book resonated with me. (Including the experience of EMDR) I learned more about my own journey, through Foo graciously sharing so much about hers. I will be recommending What My Bones Know by Stephanie Foo to others for both the quality of the writing and the importance of the content - especially its emphasis on honesty, hope, and the healing power of love.

Book cover of what my bones know by Stephanie Foo