The Homewreckers - Mary Kay Andrews

Genre - Contemporary Mystery & Romance

What does this book have to do with Christmas you ask - well, just this. I needed something to listen to in the last minute dash to get things done around the house. That meant finding something available on the Libby app. When Mary Kay Andrews’ Homewreckers  popped up, I remembered my recent read of her new Bright Lights Big Christmas and thought why not? 

I love to watch HGTV and Magnolia Network, so a novel about renovating a beach house seemed good. I enjoy a good mystery and this novel offers an unexpected one. Homewreckers felt like the perfect choice to entertain as I worked away.

Hattie Kavanaugh is in a tough spot, widowed at 25, she has just lost a great deal of money working with her father in law - because she invested in the wrong house. When a Hollywood producer offers her the chance to work on a Saving Savannah show, she is skeptical, but really needs the cash and the chance to redeem herself. Things quickly seem to spiral out of her control. Saving Savannah becomes Homewreckers; she is forced to work with Hollywood designer Trae, and gulp, a dead body is found in the old sewage system.  Hattie needs to find the strength she has lost since becoming widowed to win back her confidence and self respect. Kathleen McInerney’s narration brings Hattie’s experiences to life in an engaging and entertaining way. 

When I learned that Hattie had kind of frozen herself after she lost her husband in a motorcycle accident - my heart just ached for her. I have not, thank goodness, experienced that loss but love people who have. The stacks of supplies and unfinished home was a beautiful symbol in her world where she creates beauty for whom she works. I loved the drama of the show and seeing the dark underbelly of home improvement TV. The cozy mystery portion is well developed and who doesn’t love seeing a cold case solved? The romance was kind of just an undertone, and I liked it that way. Hattie’s transformation is what drew me the most. I loved seeing her find her voice, Andrews making that the centerpiece around which all of the other plots pivot. Grief takes time. It’s not an orderly progression as some might suggest. A good group of people who love us are such a blessing on what for most is a tempestuous journey. Letting go of the old that doesn’t work and finding a love renewed for what does and combining it with the new - I enjoyed watching Hattie move forward. And the comedy and the mystery elements give us room to breathe as she does. Andrews strikes an excellent balance. So why not a beach read in December while you prepare for Christmas? I’m a fan - especially if it ends with that new year, new you vibe. 

Homewreckers book cover